Thirty years later, an Oklahoma native reflects on one of the deadliest domestic terrorist attacks in American history.
What does history tell us about presidents who have tried to push the limits of the system?
As president, Dwight D. Eisenhower took a moderate position on many issues, believing that “good judgment seeks balance and progress.”
The Constitution is more than a legal code. It is also a framework for union and solidarity.
John Hay’s ringing phrase helped nominate T. R., but it covered an embarrassing secret that remained concealed for thirty years.
Incriminating new evidence has come to light in KGB files and the authors' interviews of former Cuban intelligence officers which indicates that Fidel Castro probably knew in advance of Oswald's intent to kill JFK.
The noted writer and educator tells of his boyhood in the West Virginia town of Piedmont, where African Americans were second-class citizens, but family pride ran deep.
He didn’t want the job, but felt he should do it. For the first time, the soldier who tracked down the My Lai story for the office of the inspector general in 1969 tells what it was like to do some of this era’s grimmest detective work.
Of all the Allied leaders, argues FDR's biographer, only Roosevelt saw clearly the shape of the new world they were fighting to create.