American resistance to British authority developed with stunning speed 250 years ago in response to George III’s inflexibility.
Fifty years ago, the Equal Credit Act was an important step in affording women control of their own finances.
The Constitution is more than a legal code. It is also a framework for union and solidarity.
In recent years many voices—both Native-American and white—have questioned whether Indians did in fact invent scalping. What is the evidence?
The discoverer of the New World was responsible for the annihilation of the peaceful Arawak Indians
Lincoln’s bid for reelection in 1864 faced serious challenges from a popular opponent and a nation weary of war.
A century after the guns fell silent along the Western Front, the work they did there remains of incalculable importance to the age we inhabit and the people we are.
A child of the South's "Lost Cause," Truman broke with his convictions to make civil rights a concern of the national government for the first time since Reconstruction. In so doing, he changed the nation forever.