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1882 One Hundred “fears Ago

September 2024
1min read

ST. LOUIS, DECEMBER 12 : An actress playing in the drama The Passions Slave quit because her costar insisted on giving her what was then known in theatrical circles as the “Henry V kiss.” “The man approaches from behind, takes the lady’s face with both hands under the chin, turns her mouth toward him and kisses it over her shoulder. I’m not a prude, but I do not think that anyone but a husband, an engaged lover, or a guardian should kiss me in the way Mr. Stevens kissed me in the play.”

Can any reader tell us why this was called the “Henry V kiss”?

CINCINNATI, DECEMBER 26 : A Mr. A. H. Pugh, dissatisfied with the service of the telephone company, was moved to strong language: “If you can’t get the party I want you to, you may shut up your damn telephone!” Aghast, the phone company removed its instrument from Pugh’s home. He sued to get it restored, but the courts decided in favor of the company. Damn was not to be said over the wire.

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