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Coming Up In American Heritage

September 2024
1min read

On the road again

Historic travel is the theme of the April issue. Once more we examine the past that always stands beside the present wherever you go in this country. Among the journeys:

The Powder River

Some students of the genre consider Warlock the finest Western ever written. Now its author, Oakley Hall, takes a drive through some rugged country he knows well to show us the Wyoming landscape that offered shelter to the Wild Bunch.

Walking Boston

Peter Davison is a poet, and it is the literary Boston that most interests him. But Boston being the protean place it is, we also discover the city of the Revolution, of the Back Bay, and of violent ward politics.

Where Lincoln lived

Abraham Lincoln’s comfortable Springfield home is so heavily and constantly visited that the National Park Service has had a tough time keeping a feeling of the man himself alive there. Geoffrey Ward shows how the house’s various rooms reflect the Lincoln family’s busy life and also takes a look around Springfield itself to find the places that put their impress on a man who put his impress on everyone.

Plus …

Stephen Sears travels the quiet, pretty farming country where, a century and a quarter ago, more than twenty-two thousand men fell on the bloodiest day in American history … the pleasures and frustrations of roaming the country in search of antiques … and, with the reckless generosity that is at once America’s folly and its pride, more.

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