December 1969

The planes were fragile and the Boche was tough, but the girls were pretty, the wine was good, and death was something that happened to someone else
Is it really true that the more things change, the more they stay the same? Once upon a time, before the bureaucratic society, before modern war and technology, there was a very different world, and not so long ago. Let us revisit, picking at random, the year
In the hills of Kentucky a small-town lawyer named Harry Caudill battles to save his homeland from the ravages of strip mining
In terms of consumption and pollution, America is the most overpopulated nation on earth. We think we can afford it—but we are leading the world to
Wise men like Thomas Jefferson have always known how to live with the earth instead of against it. We need to develop a land ethic, with wise stewardship and a respect for the earth.
Outgunned by the Nazi raider, the Stephen Hopkins could have struck her colors. Instead she elected to fight
(when Taft succeeded Teddy Roosevelt) (at one of the White House’s most unfortunate house parties)
Do today’s turbulent college campuses make you long for the good old days? The facts may dampen your nostalgia
Mortally ill as his century dwindled to its close, Washington was helped to his grave by physicians who clung to typical eighteenth-century remedies. But he died as nobly as he had lived
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