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The Game Of Goff, Or Golf

October 2024
2min read

GOLF , a celebrated Scotch’game, almost peculiar to that country, is played with balls and clubs. The club tapers, terminating in the part that strikes the ball, which is faced with horn, and loaded with lead. But if this there are six sorts used by good players, viz. the common club, used when the ball lies on the ground; the scraper and half scraper, when in long grass; the spoon when in a hollow; the heavy iron club, when it lies deep among stones or mud; and the light iron ditto, When on the surface of chingle or sanrty ground.

The balls are much smaller than those used at cricket, and much harder; they are made of horse leather, and stuffed with feathers in a peculiar manner, and then boiled.

The ground may be circular, triangular, or semicircular. The number of holes are not limited; that tie pends always on what the length of the ground will admit. The common distance between one hole and another is about a quaMer of a mile, which begins and terminates every game : and he who gets his ball in by the fewest number of strokes is the victor.

Two, four, six, eight, or any number’ may play together; but what is called the good game never exceeds four; that number being allowed to a fiord best diversion, and not so liable to confusion as six, eight, ten, or twelve might be.

The more rising or uneven the ground is, it requires the greater nicety or skill in the players; on that account the preference is always given to it by proficients.

When playing with the wind, light balls are used : and heavy ones against it.

At the beginning of each game the ball is allowed to be elevated to whatever height the player chooses, for the convenience of striking; but not afterward.

This is done by means of sand or clay, called a teeing.

The balls which are player! off at the beginning ol the game cannot he changed until the next hole is won, even if they should happen to hurst.

When it happens that a ball is lost, that hole is lott to the party.

If a hall should be stopped accidentally the player a allowed his stroke again.

Suppose four are to play the game, A and B against C and D; each party having a ball, they proceed thus:

A strikes off first, C next: and perhaps does not drive his ball above half the distance A did. on which account D, his partner, next strikes it, which is called one more, to get it as forward as that of their adversaries, or as much beyond it as possible; if this is done, then B strikes A’s ball, which is called playing the like , or equal of their opponents But if C and D, by their ball being in an awkward situation, should be unable, by playing one more , to get it as far as A’s, they are to play in turn, two, three, or as many more until that is accomplished, before B strikes his partner’s ball; which he calls one to two , or one to three , or as many strokes as they required to get to the same distance as A did by his once playing. The ball is struck alternately, if the parties are equal, or nearly so.

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