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A Georgian Glossary

October 2024
1min read

Gable roof

A roof with two slopes meeting at a peak.

Gambrel roof

A roof with a break in the pitch of its slopes, the lower slopes being steeper than the upper.

Hipped roof

A roof with four sloping sides.


The gable of a classical temple, often found as a decorative device above a doorway or window, where it may be triangular, segmental, scroll, or broken.


A column that projects from a wall, either exterior or interior, especially around doorways, where it supports an entablature or pediment.


The horizontal element between a column and a pediment.


The upper part of an entablature.


The central and usually widest part of an entablature.


The lower part of an entablature. Also, the molding around a window or door.


The decorative element at the top of a column or pilaster.


The term used to denote a style of classical architecture, most readily identified by the decoration of the capitals but also determined by the proportions and detailing of the columns and entablature. Most commonly Doric, Ionic, or Corinthian.


A vertical unit of a building’s facade, commonly containing a window or door. Many Georgian houses have five bays.

Stringcourse or belt course

A narrow horizontal band across a building’s facade marking the separation between floors.

Water table

A stringcourse marking the separation between basement and first floor.


Stone, brick, or wood accentuating the corners of many Georgian buildings (although not at Westover).


A window and its enclosing structure projecting from a sloping roof.

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