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To Plan A Trip

September 2024
1min read

West Point, located fifty miles north of New York City along the Hudson, is always open to the public. No permission is required for entry, and no admission is charged to enter, attend parades, or visit the museum and chapels. The museum is open from ten-thirty to four-fifteen daily except on Christmas and New Year’s Day. A Visitors Information Center, located near the Thayer Gate in Highland Falls, has displays on cadet life, gift shops, a theater showing movies about West Point, and maps and brochures; it is open eight-thirty to four-fifteen daily, except Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. Call 914-938-2638 for any information about visiting West Point. The Hotel Thayer inside West Point offers meals and lodging for the public: call 914-446-4731. West Point Tours (914-446-4724) and Bosch & Sons, Inc. (914-446-4520), both of Highland Falls, provide commercial tours of West Point.

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