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To Plan Trip

September 2024
1min read

Contact the Tourism Council of Frederick County (800-999-3613). Consider staying at the 1876 McCleery’s Flat in downtown Frederick (800-774-7926), walking distance from the delightful Candy Kitchen on Market Street. The guided walking tour of Frederick City is an excellent introduction to the area’s history (301-663-8687). To learn more about Frederick’s earliest settlers, visit the Schifferstadt Museum (301-663-3885), a 175Os German colonial house with two-foot-thick sandstone walls and Spartan period furnishings. In Emmitsburg, in northern Frederick County, visit the National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first native-born North American to be canonized. There you can admire the grand basilica and mortuary chapel and tour the earlynineteenth-century buildings where Seton and the Sisters of Charity pioneered the American parochial school.

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