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To Plan A Trip

September 2024
1min read

For reservations and more information on Yellowstone, visit: . In recognition of Yellowstone’s rich human history, Xanterra Parks & Resorts, the park’s primary concessionaire, has begun holding regular Heritage Days events. In 2004 these are set for May 7–9, June 19–20, and August 28–29 and will pay special tribute to the Old Faithful Inn’s centennial. Expect musical performances, interpretive programs, historic restoration demonstrations, and more.

Getting to stay in the Old Faithful Inn is another matter. Its rooms (generally priced from $84 to $197; some have shared bathrooms) tend to fill up a year or more in advance, especially in summer, and they’re expected to be an especially prized booking in 2004. Have your travel agent check availability, or call 307-344-7311.

Even if there’s no room at the inn, be sure to stop by for the free 45-minute tour held several times daily during the inn’s May 9-October 12 season. Check at the inn or see the Yellowstone Today park newspaper for times.


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