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To Plan A Trip

September 2024
1min read

The Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village are open year-round except for Christmas and New Year’s Day. During the holidays there are special events, including a magnificent 185Os Christmas dinner in the Eagle Tavern, one of the first buildings Ford collected. For information, call 313-271-1620. Dearborn is full of good hotels, but you should stay if you can at the Dearborn Inn (313-271-2700). It was built by Ford himself in 1931 and was recently handsomely refurbished by the Marriott Corporation. The staff is universally friendly and helpful, and behind it is a semicircle of reproductions of houses of famous Americans, also built by Ford. If you plan in advance, you can stay in the cottage of Edgar Allan Poe, or the big, formal house that Patrick Henry inhabited after he got liberty instead of death.

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