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Silent Eagle?

October 2024
1min read

In “The Time Machine” in your April issue, you state that Col. Charles Lindbergh “grew silent and faded from public notice” during World War II.

I feel, however, that he should be recognized for his devotion to his country and his accomplishments in working with pilots to improve their performance and their planes’ performance while he was a consultant for Chance Vought and Pratt & Whitney.

I was a first lieutenant in the Marine Corps, squadron VMF 313, flying an F4U (Corsair) fighter and stationed on Midway Island in the Pacific. In 1944, from April 29 to May 2, Lindbergh was with us and took part in a tactical navigation flight and a gunnery practice run.

He was instrumental in showing us ways to improve our engine performance and use less fuel during operations. On May 1, during our gunnery runs, Colonel Lindbergh flew wing on me. When he flew the Atlantic I was eight years old and on this date I was flying with him, a boyhood dream come true.

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