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Sites To See

September 2024
1min read

Many regional Web sites allow users to send free virtual postcards by e-mail; has a good selection. These tend to be heavy on novelties and present-day scenes, with perhaps a handful of historic shots thrown in. But has more than 200 antique Cleveland cards, which can be browsed by era, place, or mood (including “mysterious,” “kitschy,” and “foreboding”). Now you can send your online friends an 1890s illustration of Cy Young, a march-of-progress 1920s view of Municipal Airport, an almost Asher Durand-like moonlit Rocky River Bridge from the 1930s, or any number of strikingly bland 1970s shots of the Ohio Turnpike.

Day-Glo buttons, headbands and bandanas, and swirling posters abound at The Psychedelic ’60s, the University of Virginia’s literary look at the decade people used to make fun of before they discovered the 1970s. In addition to the usual themes—rock music, social protest, illicit drugs—the site chronicles the hippie movement’s precursors, such as the nineteenth-century transcendentalists, William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, and the Black Mountain College poets.

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