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25 of the Best Liberty Posters and Parodies

Sadly, the Italian artist Gino Boccasile became a supporter of Mussolini during World War II and used his impressive creative talents to make propaganda posters such as this one of a menacing Jewish caricature with the New York skyline in the background, turning the ideals of the Statue upside down. Boccasile drew posters for the Italian SS Division and after the war was imprisoned and tried for collaboration. He had difficulty finding work and died in 1952.
Courtesy of the Wolfonian Collection/FIU.

Sadly, the Italian artist Gino Boccasile became a supporter of Mussolini during World War II and used his impressive creative talents to make propaganda posters such as this one of a menacing Jewish figure with the skyline of New York in the background, turning the ideals of the Statue upside down. Boccasile drew posters for the Italian SS Division and after the war wa imprisoned and tried for collaboration. He had difficulty finding work and died in 1952. Courtesy of the Wolfonian Collection/FIU.


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