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Time Machine

March 2025
1min read

50 Years Ago

March 20, 1957 President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Prime Minister Harold Macmillan of Great Britain meet in Bermuda. The purpose of the meeting is to patch up differences stemming from Britain’s seizure of the Suez Canal the previous year, which the U.S. opposed.

75 Years Ago

March 1, 1932 The son of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh is kidnapped from their house near Hopewell, New Jersey. Despite the payment of a $70,000 ransom, on May 12 the boy will be found dead.

100 Years Ago

March 14, 1907 Under heavy public pressure, President Theodore Roosevelt issues an order barring Japanese laborers from entering the country.

150 Years Ago

March 4, 1857 James Buchanan is inaugurated as the nation’s fifteenth President. Supporters hope that as a Northern moderate, he can soothe sectional tensions over slavery, but by the time he leaves office, seven states will have left the Union.

200 Years Ago

February 19, 1807 Aaron Burr, two years removed from being Vice President of the United States, is arrested in present-day Alabama for conspiring to invade Spanish territory in the Southwest with a private army.

March 2, 1807 Congress passes legislation forbidding the importation of slaves after January 1, 1808.

225 Years Ago

February 27, 1782 In Britain the House of Commons votes against continuing the war in America. On March 20 Lord North, leader of the war party, resigns as prime minister. Two days later he is replaced by Lord Rockingham, who begins peace negotiations.

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