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    History in 17th Jul

  • Potsdam Conference begins

    The Potsdam Conference begins in occupied Germany as President Harry Truman, Premier Joseph Stalin, and Prime Minister Winston Churchill discuss postwar policy. By this conference, the Soviet Red Army occupied all of Eastern Europe, and Stalin argued with Truman over the fate of the occupied European states. 

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  • DiMaggio's hitting streak ends

    New York Yankee outfielder Joe DiMaggio goes hitless against the Cleveland Indians, ending his 56-game hitting streak. The streak, sometimes considered the most impressive record in sports, lasted over two months and captivated American audiences.

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  • Disneyland opens in California

    Disneyland opens in Anaheim, California, to invited guests and members of the press. Run by The Walt Disney Company, the park has hosted more visitors than any other theme park in the world.

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