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    History in 24th Jul

  • Mormons settle Salt Lake Valley

    Brigham Young led his group of Mormon pioneers to settle in the Salt Lake Valley in Utah Territory, escaping religious and political persecution.

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  • Kitchen Debate

    Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev had their "kitchen debate" at the American National Exhibition in Moscow, discussing their countries' respective industrial accomplishments.
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  • Nixon v. Khrushchev kitchen debate

    Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev engage in the "Kitchen Debate," staged in an American-fashioned kitchen in Moscow. The two leaders argued over the differences in their national economies, but the debate did improve communication between Washington D.C. and Moscow.

  • Amelia Earhart born

    American aviator Amelia Earhart is born in Atchison, Kansas. Earhart inspired millions of Americans as she became the first female solo pilot to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, becoming a national celebrity during the Great Depression.

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