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Veterans: Tell Us Your Story

September 2024
1min read

ROBERT KETTLER GAVE HIS affecting account of his visit to his father’s grave in the Summer 1996 edition of Traces , published by the Indiana Historical Society. I’ve received dozens of other articles, privately printed books, memoirs, and documents of all types, including company-or battalion-level oral histories gathered and printed by someone from the unit. This is wonderful. I’m delighted to be able to put them into the Archives at the Eisenhower Center at the University of New Orleans, where they will be open to future scholars and to descendants. I only wish they had been available when I wrote Citizen Soldiers .

The Eisenhower Center’s address is 923 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70130. Its director, Dr. Douglas Brinkley, continues actively to seek memoirs, documents, oral histories, and other material from veterans; although I’m retired, this is the project closest to my heart, and I urge all veterans to deposit copies of their material in the Archives.


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