What does history tell us about presidents who have tried to push the limits of the system?
Caught between his campaign for president and his duties as governor, FDR navigated political pressures to force the resignation of New York City’s corrupt mayor, Jimmy Walker.
He could be charming and witty, but also devious and cruel, said aides closest to Franklin Roosevelt.
Adding Republicans to key positions in his administration, Franklin Roosevelt created a unified effort to fight World War II.
When Germany unleashed its blitzkreig in 1939, the U.S. Army was only the 17th largest in the world. FDR and George Marshall had to build a fighting force able to take on the Nazis, against the wishes of many in Congress.
FDR waged his own war on "fake news," specifically on the Chicago Tribune publisher Robert R. McCormick.
Daisy Bonner, who cooked for Franklin Roosevelt for 20 years in the Georgia White House, recalled his favorite dish.
Roosevelt felt the country needed “direct, vigorous action” to pull it out of the Depression.
Because of wartime gas-rationing, Congress and the administration debated cancelling the famous gridiron match-up between Army and Navy in 1942. President Roosevelt found a novel solution.
She functioned as Franklin Roosvelt's de facto chief-of-staff, yet Missy LeHand's role has been misrepresented and overlooked by historians.
After 65 years, the archives of FDR’s personal secretary are now open to the public.
He had a long, intimate friendship that stayed unknown for almost half a century after his death.
Thus did Franklin Roosevelt characterize the man who was to be his running mate in 1944 and, as everyone at the astonishing Democratic Convention knew, almost certainly the next president. Here is FDR at his most devious, Harry Truman at the pivot of his career, and the old party-boss system at its zenith.
Had Franklin D. Roosevelt not been so conservative, we might have had national health insurance forty years ago
One of FDR's closest aides remembers "the Boss" and a lifetime in politics.
President Roosevelt had failed to “pack” a hostile Supreme Court, and now the first New Dealer he named to that high bench stood accused of being a lifetime member of the infamous Ku Klux Klan
It was the first time in history that British sovereigns had come to see what they lost in 1776. George and Franklin, Elizabeth and Eleanor, hit it off like old friends; even Texas congressmen melted under the royal charm. Brewing was a crucial World War II alliance