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Stories Published in this Year

A menu for a 1779 New England Thanksgiving included dishes from turkey and venison to pumpkin pie.

Historic microphone used by Edward Murrow for London broadcasts to be loaned to the National Press Club 

Edward R. Murrow’s radio broadcasts from London, aired live while Nazi bombs fell around him, are classics of journalism – and literature. 

The Enigma of Jimmy Carter | November 2020 (Volume: 65, Issue: 7)

Critics saw him as weak, but, in his single term in office, Carter had significant achievements in foreign affairs, the environmental, and energy policy.

What happened to the first English colonists in North America, who supposedly disappeared without a trace? Recent archaeological discoveries may have solved the riddle.

Upon Starved Rock | November 2020 (Volume: 65, Issue: 7)

Now a popular state park, the unassuming geological feature along the Illinois River has served as the site of centuries of human habitation and discovery.  

People who know nothing else about Chicago’s Great Conflagration have heard of Mrs. O’Leary and her famous cow. But the disaster's real origins are more complicated. 

Vampires in America? | October 2020 (Volume: 65, Issue: 6)

Some New England graveyards show evidence of rituals performed to ward off bloodthirsty murderers.

Recently declassified documents reveal that Alexander Haig and other White House staff actively worked to remove Richard Nixon — the president they worked for — from office.

Ike Balances the Court | October 2020 (Volume: 65, Issue: 6)

In five appointments to the Supreme Court, Eisenhower added conservatives, moderates, and a liberal, believing the president and courts should represent all the American people.

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