Mary Cable lives in Santa Fe, among the scenes that Sloan painted. Recently she published a novel, Avery’s Knot, based on a nineteenth-century murder.
Sylvanus Cadwallader was a war correspondent for the Chicago Times and later for the New York Herald, and was attached to General Grant’s headquarters from 1862 to 1865, where is said to have been involved in |
Caidin, Martin is member for American Heritage site since 2011. |
H. Mitchell Caldwell is a professor at the Pepperdine University School of Law. Caldwell primarily teaches criminal procedure, criminal law, and trial advocacy, and has tried cases in the California and United |
Orester Caldwell, a publishing executive, was a former member of the first Federal Radio Commission, whose functions were later absorbed by the Federal Communications Commission.
Calkins, Chris M. is member for American Heritage site since 2011. |
James Callaghan is a Western-history writer for the National Tombstone Epitaph in Arizona.
Tom Callahan believes he may have stayed at the Home Sweet Home Motel during his first visit to the battlefield as a five-year-old in 1963. The visit, not the motel, spurred his lifelong fascination with the |
Mr. Callow is an associate professor of history at Purdue University. He has just completed a book on the Tweed Ring, to be published next spring by Oxford University Press.
Colin G. Calloway is the John Kimball, Jr. Professor of History and Professor of Native American Studies at Dartmouth College. He received his P.h.D. from the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, and has |
Jane Calvert is an associate professor of history in the University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences, and founding director and chief editor of the John Dickinson Writings Project, where she is |
Ruth Mehrtens Calvin, a Boston-based writer who is a senior correspondent for Time , participated in raising funds for the recent restoration of SaintGaudens’s Shaw Memorial. Jerry L. Thompson’s photographs |
Canby, Courtlandt is member for American Heritage site since 2013. |
Mr. Cantelon is a young scholar and teacher of history currently working on his doctorate at Indiana University. In addition to many documentary sources at Hyde Park and in Washington, D.C., and contemporary |
Donald R. Canton, a teacher and writer, lives in Pembroke, Maine, fifty miles from St. Andrews.
James Card, a film maker, collector, and historian, has taught at the University of Rochester since 1961.
Cardin, Julianne is member for American Heritage site since 2016. |
Glenn L Carle is a Foreign Service officer whose ancestors fought with the Kansas Cavalry.
Peter Ames Carlin is a culture reporter for The Oregonian and has authored two books: Paul McCartney: A Life, published in 2009, and Catch a Wave: The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of the Beach Boys' Brian |
Marcia R. Carlisle is a historian and writer who currently teaches at Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire.
A sports-car enthusiast, John Carlova has worked all over the world as a newspaperman and magazine writer, and now lives in Laguna Beach, California. He has just published a novel, Adam and Evil . |
W. Bernard Carlson is a Professor at the University of Virginia, with appointments in the Department of Science, Technology, and Society (School of Engineering) and the History Department (College of Arts and |
Carmer, Carl is member for American Heritage site since 2011. |
William E. Carnahan is retired from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and is now a freelance writer and photographer. The U.S. National Arboretum, 3501 New York Ave., N.E., Washington, DC 20002-1958, is open |
Mark C. Carnes is a professor of history at Barnard College, Columbia University. He was Co-General Editor of the 26-volume American National Biography (1999). During the past decade, he has been involved in |
Benjamin L. Carp is a professor of history at Brooklyn College and the CUNY Graduate Center, where he holds the Daniel M. Lyons Chair in American History. He is the author of three books on the history of the |
—Caleb Carr is the author of The Alienist and The Angel of Darkness .
Carrier, Rebecca is member for American Heritage site since 2011. |
For years, Donald Carroll, the author of eight books, kept running across the name of Varian Fry in reports about artists who had escaped Nazism and come to America. Finally his curiosity was so aroused that |
Stanford University historian Clayborne Carson has devoted most his professional life to the study of Martin Luther King, Jr. Under his direction, the King Papers Project has produced six volumes of a |
Gerald Carson was a former advertising executive, prolific author, and Contributing Editor of American Heritage.
The first hardcover issue of American Heritage, in December 1954, contained an |
Carson, Gerald H. is member for American Heritage site since 2011. |
Marian S. Carson has written on many aspects of American art history but has a special interest in the beginnings of photography.
Tom Carter teaches journalism at Georgia Southern University and is a student of battleship history.
Betty W. Carter is publisher of the Delta Democrat-Times in Greenville, Mississippi, and a free-lance writer on conservation, travel, and agricultural topics. Together with her husband, the late Hodding |
Mr. Carter, author of the recently published Cyrus Field: Man of Two Worlds , lives in Wakefield, R. I.
The book from which this article is adapted started as a doctoral thesis; it will be published under the title Scottsboro: A Tragedy of the American South by the Louisiana State University Press in January, |
Carter, William is member for American Heritage site since 2011. |
J. S. Cartier is an artist and photographer whose current subject is the natural and man-made environment of New York City.
Case, Perry is member for American Heritage site since 2011. |
Scott E. Casper is a historian of nineteenth-century studies and president of the American Antiquarian Society (AAS), the research library of pre-twentieth-century American history and culture founded in 1812 |
Mr. Castel, professor of American history at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, is the author of A Frontier State at War: Kansas, 1861–1865 and of William Clarke Quantrill: His Life and Times . For |
This article is taken from The World and the Parish: Willa Gather’s Articles and Reviews, 1893-1902 , edited by William M. Curtin, to be published by the University of Nebraska Press in November. COPYRIGHT © |
Catlin, George is member for American Heritage site since 2011. |
Bruce Catton (1899 – 1978) was the Founding Editor of American Heritage and arguably the most prolific and popular of all Civil War historians. He wrote an astonishing 167 articles for American Heritage, and |
William B. Cation, instructor in history at the University of Maryland, is writing a life of John W. Garrett to complete the requirements for a Ph.D. at Northwestern University.
A newspaper editor before World War n, Charles R. Cawthon chose to remain on active duty after hostilities were over and later commanded a battalion in the Korean War. Now retired, he operates a tree farm in |
A newspaper editor before World War II, Charles R. Cawthon (1912-1996) was a front-line officer whose 116th Infantry Regiment landed at Omaha Beach on D-Day and fought its way across Europe to the Elbe. He |
Toby Cecchini is the author of Cosmopolitan: A Bartender’s Life .
Cecil, Robert is member for American Heritage site since 2011. |