Leonard Falkner is features editor of the New York World-Telegram and Sun . A past contributor to AMERICAN HERITAGE (“A Spy for Washington,” August, 1957), he is the author of Forge of Liberty, published |
This memoir is reprinted from William Faulkner of Oxford , a book of reminiscences about the novelist, edited by James W. Webb and A. Wigfall Green. It was publish in October by the Louisiana State |
Julie Fanselow, a freelance writer, lives in Idaho. Her books include Traveling the Lewis and Clark Trail (Falcon/Globe Pequot, 2003).
COPYRIGHT © 1968 BY PETER FARB Mr. Farb, curator of American Indian cultures at the Riverside Museum in New York City and a consultant to the Smithsonian Institution, is an anthropologist and historian. He is |
Oliver La Farge was a professional anthropologist before he turned to writing as his career. Since then he has pursued anthropology, especially American Indian ethnology, as an avocation. He is the author of |
Tom Farley is a freelance technology writer and the founder of privateline.com, a website devoted to telecommunications which he had produced since 1995. Tom was recently interviewed on the History |
Dr. Laurence Farmer is the author of Master Surgeon: A Biography of Joseph Lister and of Doctors’ Legacy, a volume of physicians’ letters covering 250 years. "It is impossible to give more than a suggestion of |
Farr, Finis is member for American Heritage site since 2011. |
John A. Farrell is the author of several biographies on U.S. figures, including Richard Nixon: The Life, which was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in 2018. His most recent work is Ted Kennedy: A Life, a |
Byron Farwell, who lives in Virginia, is the author of many books on Englishmen, British history, and Africa, the most recent of which is The Great Anglo-Boer War, published this month by Harper O1 Row. He is |
Drew Gilpin Faust is the current president of Harvard University and the Lincoln Professor of History. Raised in Virginia, Faust specializes in Civil War and Antebellum history, and writes primarily on the Old |
Don. E. Fehrenbacher is a member of the board of advisers of this magazine and the author of The Dred Scot Case , which won the 1979 Pulitzer prize for history. This is his first appearance in our pages. |
Joe Michael Feist is a Texas freelance writer.
Ellen Feldman is an author, historian, and 2009 Guggenheim Fellow who has written three books: Scottsboro, The Boy Who Loved Anne Frank, and Lucy. Feldman frequently writes for The Huffington Post and |
Earl Fendelman is Associate Professor of English at Lehman College, the City University of New York.
Fennell, Philip is member for American Heritage site since 2011. |
Julie M. Fenster is a noted American author. Her book Ether Day: The Strange Tale of America's Greatest Medical Discovery and the Haunted Men Who Made It won the Anesthesia Foundation Award for Best Book in |
—J. M. Fenster is the author of the forthcoming Ether Day: A Strange Tale of the Discovery ‘of Anesthesia and the Haunted Men Who Made It .
Professor Richard Challener, of Princeton University, is a specialist in modern American diplomatic and military history. John Fenton, a former editor with the Gallup Poll, works in Princeton !? Office of |
Robert H. Ferrell, professor of history at the University of Indiana, specializ.es in American diplomatic history. Some of his other incisive and independent views appeared in “Conversations with Historians |
William "Willie" Morris (1934–1999) was an American writer and editor born in Jackson, Mississippi who write lyrical prose and reflections on the American South, particularly the Mississippi Delta.
In |
William R. Ferris is a professor emeritus of history and the University of North Carolina and former chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Prof. Ferris is widely recognized as a leader |
Fever, Cabin is member for American Heritage site since 2011. |
Gerard Piel, class of 1937 and twice elected to the Harvard Board of Overseers, is chairman of Scientific American .
James A. Field, Jr., is Isaac H. Clothier Professor of History and International Relations Emeritus at Swarthmore College.
Wayne Fields teaches American literature at Washington University in St. Louis. He is author of What the River Knows and a forthcoming book on presidential rhetoric, A Union of Words .
— Martin Filler is the architecture critic of The New Republic and writes for The New York Review of Books .
Filzig, Irving is member for American Heritage site since 2011. |
Kenneth Finkel is the curator of prints at the Library Company of Philadelphia.
David Hackett Fischer is the Earl Warren Professor of History at Brandeis University and is best-known for writing Albion's Seed and the Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington's Crossing (Pivotal Moments in |
Dorothy Canfield Fisher was born in Lawrence, Kansas, and now lives in Arlington, Vermont. She is a member of the National Institute of Arts and Letters and has been publishing books regularly since 1904. Her |
Marshall Fishwick, was a professor emeritus of American studies at Washington and Lee University, was the author of Virginia, the first volume in Harper’s new “Regions of America” series. He was the recipient |
James Marston Fitch, an authority on architectural history, is now director of Historic Preservation for the New York architectural firm ofBeyer, Blinder, and Belle.
Thomas A. Fitzgerald, Jr. was born in Boston in 1934 and now lives in Lakewood, CO. His father was Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy's younger brother.
Born in Boston in 1934, Thomas Acton Fitzgerald now lives in Denver, Colorado, where he is principal of the Lower School at Colorado Academy. Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy is his father’s elder sister.
Constantine FitzGibbon is the author of numerous books, including When the Kissing Had to Stop, The Life of Dylan Thomas , and Drink.
Kathleen Fitzsimmons is a teacher and historian living in Leadville, where she enjoys the mountains, myths, and people of Colorado.
Jack Flam is a professor of art history at Brooklyn College and at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, and art critic for The Wall Street Journal . He wrote about the society painter Guy |
Thomas Fleming is a longtime contributor to American Heritage and former president of the Society of American Historians. He is the author of dozens of respected books on American history, including Franklin, |
E. McClung Fleming is a noted researcher and author who has written such books as R.R. Bowker: Militant Liberal, and A tribute to Charles F. Montgomery, 1910-1978.
Beatrice Hudson Flexner is a professional singer and instrumentalist who has made a specialty of performing early American music, and has also lectured on the subject. She is the wife of the American |
James Thomas Flexner (1908-2003) was most famous for his extensive writings on American art history and a four-volume biography of George Washington, for which he won a special Pulitzer citation. Flexner's |
James J. Flink taught comparative culture at the University of California, Irvine, and was the author of America Adopts the Automobile, 1895-1910 (M.I.T. Press, 1970).
Flowden, David is member for American Heritage site since 2011. |
Marshall Fishwick ii associate professor of American studies at Washington and Lee University. Among his recent books are The Virginia Tradition. General Lee’s Photographer , and American Heroes: Myth and |
Foe, Edgar A. is member for American Heritage site since 2011. |
Mrs. Jensen is the author of The White House and Its Thirty-Three Families . She and her husband, Howard, are preparing a TV film on the mansion’s paintings.
Eric Foner, the DeWitt Clinton Professor of History at Columbia University, has served as president of the Organization of American Historians, the American Historical Association, and the Society of American |
Foote, Morris C. is member for American Heritage site since 2011. |
Shelby Foote (1916 – 2005) was an American historian and novelist who wrote The Civil War: A Narrative, a massive, three-volume history of the war. Foote became well-known to the public after his appearance in |