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    History in 5th Oct

  • Battle of the Thames

    American forces led by General William Henry Harrison defeat American Indian and British rivals at the Battle of the Thames in present-day Ontario. During the fighting Shawnee leader Tecumseh is killed in battle, bringing about the dissipation of his pro-British coalition.

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  • Chester A. Arthur born

    21st President Chester A. Arthur is born in Fairfield, Vermont. During his president Arthur signed into law the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, ending the "spoils system" within the bureaucracy.

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  • President Truman delivers first televised address

    President Harry Truman delivers the first televised presidential address to the nation, asking Americans to limit their grain consumption to help the Marshall Plan feed starving Europeans.

  • Chief Joseph surrenders

    Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce surrenders to General Nelson A. Miles in the Montana Territory.

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